2024.02 |
Hyunkyun Shin (M.S. Student) joined.
2023.08 |
Seonmu Oh (M.S. Student) joined.
2022.08 |
Sungju Kim (M.S. Student) and Intae Jun (Ph.D. Student) joined.
2022.02 |
YunHyeong Jeon (M.S. Student) joined.
2021.12 |
Heesoo Kim, Kyeonghyeon Ryu, Minhyeok An, and Yeji Jung (M.S. Student) joined.
2020.03 |
Congratulations! Seulki Kim was awarded the DGIST Presidential Fellowship.
2020.03 |
Seulki Kim (M.S. student) and Jungbo Kim (B.S. student, combined undergraduate-graduate program) joined.
2020.02 |
Our proposal was awarded the research grant for young researchers (신진연구자 지원사업) by National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF).
2019.10 |
Our collaborative proposal was awarded the research grant by Samsung Future Technology Foundation.