Date News
2025.01 A paper was accepted at IEEE CAL (SCI(E) journal).
2024.12 A paper was accepted at IEEE CAL (SCI(E) journal).
2024.11 Our paper was accepted at DATE 2025 (major conference).
2024.11 Congratulations! Sungju Kim successfully defended his Master's Thesis.
2024.11 Our paper was accepted at HPCA 2025 (top-tier conference).
2024.09 We moved to Yonsei University!
2024.07 A paper was accepted at PACT 2024 (top-tier conference).
2024.05 Congratulations! Dr. Gyeongseo Park successfully defended his Doctoral Thesis.
2024.02 Hyunkyun Shin (M.S. Student) joined.
2023.11 Congratulations! Dr. Seunghak Lee (Ph.D.) and Heesoo Kim (M.S.) successfully defended their Theses.
2023.09 A paper was accepted at IEEE CAL (SCI(E) journal).
2023.08 Seonmu Oh (M.S. Student) joined.
2023.06 A paper was accepted at IEEE CAL (SCI(E) journal).
2022.12 A paper was accepted at IEEE CAL (SCI(E) journal).
2022.08 Sungju Kim (M.S. Student) and Intae Jun (Ph.D. Student) joined.
2022.07 A paper was accepted at MICRO 2022 (top-tier conference).
2022.02 YunHyeong Jeon (M.S. Student) joined.
2021.11 Congratulations! Dr. Ki-Dong Kang successfully defended his Doctoral Thesis.
2021.07 Two papers ware accepted at MICRO 2021 (top-tier conference).
2021.07 A paper was accepted at PACT 2021 (top-tier conference).
2021.05 A paper was accepted at IEEE CAL (SCI(E) journal).
2021.12 Heesoo Kim, Kyeonghyeon Ryu, Minhyeok An, and Yeji Jung (M.S. Student) joined.
2020.12 Our paper was accepted at IEEE CAL (SCI(E) journal).
2020.10 Our paper was accepted at IEEE Access (SCI(E) journal).
2020.09 Our paper was accepted at IEEE Access (SCI(E) journal).
2020.08 Our paper was accepted at ICCD 2020 (major conference).
2020.03 Congratulations! Seulki Kim was awarded the DGIST Presidential Fellowship.
2020.03 Seulki Kim (M.S. student) and Jungbo Kim (B.S. student, combined undergraduate-graduate program) joined.
2020.02 Our proposal was awarded the research grant for young researchers (신진연구자 지원사업) by National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF).
2019.10 Our collaborative proposal was awarded the research grant by Samsung Future Technology Foundation.