[HPCA] Hyosang Kim, Gyeongseo Park, Ki-Dong Kang, Seungkyu Lee, and Daehoon Kim*.
IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), 2025
[ICROS] Hyungwon Park, Seunghak Lee, Seungkyu Lee, and Daehoon Kim*.
Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS), 2021
[Access] Minwoo Jang, Seungkyu Lee, Jaeha Kung, and Daehoon Kim*.
IEEE Access (Access), 2020
[DAC-WIP] Minwoo Jang, Seungkyu Lee, Jaeha Kung, and Daehoon Kim*.
IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference WIP (DAC-WIP), 2020
[KICS] Jinwoo Yu, Heeyong Yoon, Doyoung Lee, Seungkyu Lee, Ji-Woong Choi*, and Min-Soo Kim*.
한국통신학회 추계종합학술발표회 (KICS), 2016
Daehoon Kim, Hyungwon Park, Seungkyu Lee, and Seunghak Lee.
issued, Korea, Application No. 10-2020-0174851 (2020.12.14), Registration No. 10-2479310 (2022.12.15)